Highbrow 2023

As the sun set on 2023, we reflected on a year filled with innovation, growth, and community. At Highbrow, we embarked on exciting ventures, fine-tuned our beloved offerings, and envisioned a future glimmering with promise. We unveiled new products and received amazing feedback from our patients and customers. We view each new product that hits the shelves as a testament to our commitment to quality and creativity. Our flagship drinks, now available in convenient 10mg bottles, became an instant hit. Sip by sip, we shared joy and relaxation with our amazing customers and patients. Down East Magazine even named our Bath and Rockland locations, “Best Cannabis Retail Shop”. We feel humbled to have received this recognition and it reaffirmed that our dedication to quality is an essential ingredient to our success. Another essential ingredient to our success is our people. We welcomed fresh new faces who have brought a new energy and perspective to the team. Together, we forged ahead, pushing boundaries and redefining what’s possible. To the Maine community: we couldn’t do it without your unwavering support. Whether you’re a loyal patient or a fellow cannabis enthusiast, we raise our glasses to you. Our success is a collaborative effort. We thrive because of the connections we’ve nurtured. With the sunsetting on last year, we now look to the horizon. 2024 promises even greater heights and highs. As we step into this new chapter, we invite you to join us. Together, we’ll explore uncharted territories, celebrate wins, and continue building a vibrant cannabis community. Thank you for being part of our journey. Here’s to a brilliant 2024! 


200mg Pineapple Mango Drinks In Stores Now!